• Contact Number : +234 802 5770 297
  • Location : Cavera 13, 423 road, 6th Avenue, Festac, Lagos Nigeria.


  • 1 year ago
  • Maternal and child

New Born babies and infections 

Your newborn is so precious that you and your family would want to do everything to protect him/ her.

Here are some tips on how to ensure your baby stays free from infections, especially in the first 28 days.


  •   Wash hands with soap and water before and after touching the newborn.
  •   Keep fingernails short (germs can live under fingernails).
  •   Do not put anything ( dressing or herbal medicinal products) on the umbilical cord.
  •   Keep the cord clean and dry.
  •   Wash anything in the home that will touch the baby: clothing, bedding, covers.
  •   Keep sick children and adults away from the baby.
  •   Protect the baby from smoke in the air (cigarettes or a cooking fire) because this can cause breathing problems.
  •   Put the newborn to sleep under an insecticide -treated bed net to protect from mosquitoes, and therefore malaria.
  •   Breastfeed exclusively.
  •   Ensure the baby gets all the immunizations on time.


With a healthy baby, your family stays happy.





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